Tag Archives | Make Me

Lee Child Quote Night School

Night School & Deep Cover Jack: The Craft Behind the Books

Lee Child and I both have new releases right now: Lee is about to release Night School, and I just released Deep Cover Jack, the fourth novel in my Hunt for Jack Reacher Series, which is an authorized spin-off series from Lee Child’s Reacher novels. Today, I wanted to take you on a behind-the-scenes tour into […]

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Lee Child and Stephen King On Stage

What’s your favorite moment surrounding the release of a new book? Because the moment we finish reading a book in a series we love is so jubilant and devastating at the same time, I sometimes think the happiest moment for a Book Series Fan is hearing the announcement revealing the title of the next upcoming book in the […]

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Lee Child Interview

Lee Child’s MAKE ME Tour: What We’ve Learned So Far

I love when Lee Child releases a book because, not only do we get to read a new Jack Reacher thriller — which is of course a treat in itself — but we also get to watch Lee’s media blitz. Even if from afar. There’s one conversation I had a front row seat for as […]

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Lee Child BEA 2015

5 Things Lee Child Told Me This Summer

My friend Lee Child’s most recent book releases September 8. I loved the title from the moment I heard it several months ago. Make Me. Full of attitude, isn’t it? If you know Lee Child at all, you know that’s one of the many things he and Jack Reacher have in common. They both live […]

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Brother Cartoon

A Smile (And A Mystery) For Anyone With A Brother

Ha ha! Having two brothers of my own, I can relate to this one. How about you? I think Jack Reacher and Joe Reacher felt this way about each other sometimes, even though they got along. Like typical brothers, they fought, and each gave each other scars. But deep down, they had a soft spot […]

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#MakeMe #JackAndJoe Giveaway

FBI Agents Otto & Gaspar Are On The Hunt for Jack Reacher

When FBI Agents Kim Otto and Carlos Gaspar are sent to Fort Bird, North Carolina on the Hunt for Jack Reacher, powerful enemies with their backs against the wall will stop at nothing to keep the secrets Reacher left behind. Jack and Joe, the new release in my Hunt for Jack Reacher Thriller Series, is available now! […]

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Lee Child Make Me

The #MakeMe #JackandJoe Book Giveaway

Okay fellow readers, we have two reasons to celebrate with a giveaway, and both reasons involve new books! (Read on to find out what the $100 value grand prizes are, and how to enter!) Reason to Celebrate #1: My new release, Jack and Joe, just made its debut! Jack and Joe is the newest book […]

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“Everything was a game of chess with him.”- Jack Reacher

Lee Child’s new release, Small Wars, has been out for several days now. Have you finished it yet? I read it immediately! It’s a digital short from the #1 New York Times Bestselling Author. Small Wars takes us back to 1989. What did 1989 look like for you? Some of the top movies that year: […]

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