A Smile (And A Mystery) For Anyone With A Brother

Brother Cartoon

Ha ha! Having two brothers of my own, I can relate to this one. How about you?

I think Jack Reacher and Joe Reacher felt this way about each other sometimes, even though they got along. Like typical brothers, they fought, and each gave each other scars. But deep down, they had a soft spot for each other. In Jack and Joe, Agents Otto & Gaspar follow the brothers’ pasts back to 1989 and 1990 to see what people who knew (the now deceased) Joe Reacher can tell us about (the still living but elusive) Jack. Their paths are forever intertwined, like it or not.

What will Otto and Gaspar do with the information they get? And what does a present-day car crash on an icy interstate have to do with it? Jack and Joe is available everywhere now for you to find out! All the links are on the Books Page of my website.

We have ebooks and paperbacks available – and, in a special giveaway to celebrate, there’s a chance you could win an autographed paperback copy PLUS an autographed copy of Make Me by Lee Child. Enter the contest here!

In the theme of hidden messages, like those held by those who knew the Reacher brothers, I leave you this weekend with something fun someone posted on my Facebook page this week:

BookcaseCan you see it??

Here’s a hint: Look at the bookcase (not the window).

Meanwhile —

Caffeinate and Carry On!

Diane Capri

p.s. Are you a member of the Diane Capri’s Exclusive Reading Group mailing list? It’s FREE! Just CLICK HERE to sign up and refer your friends, too. You’ll be glad you did, I promise. Can’t wait to see you there!


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3 Responses to A Smile (And A Mystery) For Anyone With A Brother

  1. doris September 5, 2015 at 8:30 am #

    Saw the bookcase before and thought how awesome the whole thing was. I found it easily but with different minds it my not be so easy. Need to ask my 25 year old Aspie grandson, what he sees as he is so literal.

    ps. i will so my ignorance,’ What does website mean.’ Maybe I am more literal than I thought. lol

  2. judy September 5, 2015 at 3:48 pm #

    Sorry no brothers. Just a sister.

  3. Lynne B Graham September 7, 2015 at 9:10 pm #

    I am lucky to have two brothers also, however, being the one in the middle, I quite often got the blame for whatever mischief was a foot. They had each others backs, so if one said I did it the other backed him up. Must admit most of the time it was me hehe.

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