Tag Archives | Due Justice


New Research on Fingerprinting

Did you hear about the new technological development in fingerprinting analysis? Fingerprints are extremely helpful for solving crimes, and that’s often the reason I research and write about them — both in my books and here on my blog.  For example, in Get Back Jack, FBI Special Agent Kim Otto notices, “Fingerprint residue blackened the […]

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Mystery Humor

How Food Can Help Solve Mysteries

Today is National Food Day, and October is Mystery Month. So, the overlap had me wondering: what are the most mysterious foods? Clearly, cereal is one of them. I’m kidding, of course. It does turn out, though, that there are plenty of connections between food and forensics.  For example, a scientist named Alison Davidson is […]

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Do You Crave The Rest Of The Story?

I recently blogged about short and long reads and why both are challenging to write as well as terrific to read. The discussion reminded me of another, related issue I blogged about a few years ago: The End. Although I enjoy reading a good romance, I admit that the “happily ever after” ending is not […]

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Sunday Special: The Importance of Body Language

We’ve been talking about body language a bit this week because we all know body language communicates at least as much as words do. As readers, we love words and communication. As mystery readers, we’re fascinated by the hidden meanings. So body language is a natural area of interest for us, and usually a source […]

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Bayshore Wasted Justice

A Photographic Tour of Bayshore Boulevard

Do you know one landmark that’s referenced in almost every one of my books set in Florida? Bayshore Boulevard in Tampa. That’s because it’s one of the true gems of the city. So I wanted to introduce Bayshore Boulevard to those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting it. Arguably Bayshore Boulevard’s heartiest claim to […]

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Hit “Reset” With Me For Spring!

For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere with me… welcome to spring! (To everyone else, happy autumn!) I like to think of spring as a second chance at the New Year. A second chance to reset, to revisit those resolutions, to revise them or renew them, reevaluate, and “Caffeinate and Carry On!” That’s exactly […]

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Boat Crashes Into Restaurant

“In like a lion, out like a lamb.” That’s the expression assigned to the month of March, and so far, it’s holding true in many parts of the U.S., including here in Florida. In my thriller Fatal Distraction, Jess Kimball remarks: “The day was cool but sunny and dry, the kind of weather Floridians loved […]

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Happy New Year

First Books Free! On Me! Happy New Year!

Sure, we’re ringing out the old year with Last Call celebrations everywhere. But we mystery fans are big planners, too. For those of us who are planning a Very Mysterious New Year in 2015, raise a glass and bring all your friends because the First One’s On Me!  2015 – The First One’s On Me! […]

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When Life Hands You Lemons (Part 1)

When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Martinis — With a Twist!* Life was humming along on all cylinders for a while. Born in Alabama, I grew up in a small German-American farming town north of Detroit, where I lived a book-filled childhood and followed most of the rules. Graduated from Wayne Law School cum laude […]

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Palm Tree

Florida Fiction & Fantasy

Once upon a time in a galaxy far away, I lived in the land of the frozen tundra. Which is to say Detroit. Where the weak are killed and eaten. Where a twenty-six mile commute can take three hours to get to work and another three to get home. Where the entire month of February […]

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