Sunday Special: The Importance of Body Language

We’ve been talking about body language a bit this week because we all know body language communicates at least as much as words do. As readers, we love words and communication. As mystery readers, we’re fascinated by the hidden meanings. So body language is a natural area of interest for us, and usually a source of clues to solving the mysteries of life as well as on the page.

Talk is cheap. To know the truth, watch what people do. Actions speak louder than words.

Busy Pedestrians

  • The U.S. Transportation Security Administration knows body language is so telling that they use it to help determine which travelers pose a higher security risk at airports. (Read more here.)
  • Body language helps Jordan Fox see the hidden connections that other people overlook. She calls it her News Nose. But her intuition is fueled partly by her heightened awareness of body language. Jordan’s News Nose helps lead us to False Truth 11, the thrilling conclusion to the Jordan Fox Mystery Serial — which is now available!
  • Over on My Facebook Page this week, we celebrated No Dirty Dishes Day. Did you participate? If so, your body language, no doubt, was relaxed!


We all know detectives are trained to observe and use body language in interrogations with criminal suspects. When body language indicates the suspect is uncomfortable with silence, the detective lets the silence linger. Discomfort pressures the suspect to do or say things he might not otherwise reveal.

Body language plays an important role in all of my books. Consider Willa Carson in Due Justice:

Due Justice Quote

And then there’s Jordan Fox in False Truth 5:

False Truth 5 Quote

In Get Back Jack, Gaspar’s body language while tracking Reacher shows that his approach to a very serious mission is perhaps more laid back than it should be.

Get Back Jack Quote

What is your body language saying about you this weekend?

Meanwhile —

Caffeinate and Carry On!

Diane Capri

p.s. Are you a member of the Diane Capri’s Exclusive Reading Group mailing list? It’s FREE! Just CLICK HERE to sign up and refer your friends, too. You’ll be glad you did, I promise. Can’t wait to see you there!


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One Response to Sunday Special: The Importance of Body Language

  1. judy May 24, 2015 at 6:18 pm #

    I love to set and watch people.

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