Hit “Reset” With Me For Spring!

For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere with me… welcome to spring! (To everyone else, happy autumn!)

Red Poppy

I like to think of spring as a second chance at the New Year. A second chance to reset, to revisit those resolutions, to revise them or renew them, reevaluate, and “Caffeinate and Carry On!”

That’s exactly what I’m doing this week, and I’d love your input.

One thing I’m revisiting is this very blog. I keep a running list of topics I’d like to blog about, and I wonder what your thoughts are. Take Tuesday, for example. I wrote about bitcoins because a) I find them fascinating and b) they play a small but very important role in False Truth 8. In fact, they play such a seemingly small role, the word bitcoin only shows up once in the entire manuscript. But it’s a topic important to the plot.

If you ever come across a topic in any of my books, however briefly it’s mentioned, and you want to hear more about it, shoot me a message! I’m always open to suggestions on new topics to blog about.

Your reviews help keep me recharged and on track, too. I got a really fun one this week:
Reader Review- DJ- FanFlippingTasticA good reminder that reviews don’t have to be some formal literary work. Sometimes it’s enough just to make up a fun word and speak your mind!

I love it when people invent words and come up with fun one-liners to sum up their thoughts on a book. If you’ve got one up your sleeve, send it to me and we’ll add it to my website — we’ve got a whole page of ’em!

Also new this spring, Twisted Justice is now in audiobook from Audible.com, and we’re going to be giving away a few free audiobooks in my next newsletter March 23. If you aren’t subscribed to my newsletter, you can do that HERE.

Twisted Justice Audible

 So what are you doing to “reset” this season? Let me know in the comments section below!

Meanwhile —

Caffeinate and Carry On!

Diane Capri

p.s. Are you a member of the Diane Capri’s Exclusive Reading Group mailing list? It’s FREE! Just CLICK HERE to sign up and refer your friends, too. You’ll be glad you did, I promise. Can’t wait to see you there!


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2 Responses to Hit “Reset” With Me For Spring!

  1. Diane G March 21, 2015 at 6:02 pm #

    I’m joining foodbabe.com and working towards better health. One step at a time. It’s hard but worth it.

    • Diane March 23, 2015 at 11:35 am #

      Good for you, Diane! You have my full support. 🙂

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