Tag Archives | False Truth


What We Know About the Witness Protection Program

I was telling you this week about victims’ rights, and one of their rights stood out to me as especially compelling — the right to witness protection, if it’s deemed necessary. The witness protection program is shrouded in secrecy. So it got me wondering: what do we actually know about it? We know something similar […]

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Do You Crave The Rest Of The Story?

I recently blogged about short and long reads and why both are challenging to write as well as terrific to read. The discussion reminded me of another, related issue I blogged about a few years ago: The End. Although I enjoy reading a good romance, I admit that the “happily ever after” ending is not […]

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Chicken To Get $2,500 Prosthetic Leg

How interesting was the last thing you printed? For me, it was a boarding pass. Not very exciting, right? It’s hard to compete with this one: scientists are printing a new leg for a chicken named Cicely. Cicely the chicken was born with limited mobility. Scientists at Tufts University’s Cummings School of Veterinary determined that […]

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Dubai is 3-D Printing an Entire Building

Looks like budding reporter Jordan Fox was on to something when she told her boss that 3D printers were newsworthy. The news intern pitches a story on the practical uses of 3D printers to her boss in book 4 of False Truth: A Jordan Fox Mystery Serial. (You can find all the books in the False Truth serial HERE.) […]

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Voodoo: The big difference a couple vowels makes

Knowledge is power. That’s why we read, right? (And because it’s the best form of entertainment in the world!) But in knowledge, there’s not only power, but also safety. That’s why, when traveling, it’s good to know as much as you can about your destination before you get there – especially if your destination is […]

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False Truth

How To Escape Duct Tape Handcuffs

We’ve talked some here on my blog (here and here) about the very real dangers of being kidnapped. Abducted. Held for ransom. Something along those lines happens to Jordan Fox in the False Truth Mystery Serial. In the process, Jordan’s wrists are duct taped together in front of her. Jack Reacher’s Rules teaches us that “The width of […]

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False Truth 1-11

Why Serialized Novels Are Making A Comeback

The serialized novel. It’s been around since the mid-1700’s, became wildly popular during the Victorian Era thanks to Charles Dickens, and faded from popularity around the time radio became widely available for entertainment. QUIZ! Besides most of Dickens’ major novels including Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, and Great Expectations, do you know what […]

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Bucher Books

Q&A: My German Book Translations

Whew! Now that we’ve wrapped up the False Truth Mystery Serial, I have a little more time on my hands. (Emphasis on little… I’ve also been working on the next Hunt for Jack Reacher book, which should be available in the fall, publishing gods willing.) But in my moment of downtime, I wanted to take a […]

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Sunday Special: The Importance of Body Language

We’ve been talking about body language a bit this week because we all know body language communicates at least as much as words do. As readers, we love words and communication. As mystery readers, we’re fascinated by the hidden meanings. So body language is a natural area of interest for us, and usually a source […]

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False Truth 11

False Truth Mystery Serial: The Thrilling Conclusion!

It’s been a long and winding road from Jordan Fox’s first day on the job. Who killed Jordan’s mother? Why did they do it? Will Jordan bring them to justice? And what about Claire, Clayton, Theresa and Jordan’s dad? I feel like all of these story people are my friends, you know? The exciting conclusion, False […]

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