Tag Archives | serial

Drone Photography

Creative Ways People Are Using Drones

We were talking this week about how drones can be used for very serious missions, like terrorism surveillance. Situations that would be too dangerous for humans. As a thriller writer, it’s a tactic I’m almost certain to employ in an upcoming book. In addition to military and surveillances uses, people are starting to get very creative with […]

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Eagles Are Being Trained… To Do WHAT?!

We talked recently about how drones are a real threat to aircraft. In the United States, from the end of August 2015 until the end of January 2016, there were “519 incidents involving passenger aircraft and unmanned drones”! It’s a topic we brought up in False Truth: A Jordan Fox Mystery, that ended up leading […]

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Drones: London Close Call Reveals Dangers

Did you hear the reports last month that a drone hit a plane? The British Airways plane was flying from Geneva to Heathrow, when it reportedly collided with something 1,700 feet in the air 10 miles away from Heathrow. According to The Wall Street Journal, the London Metropolitan Police said they believed the plane hit […]

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Saison Du Swamp

#NationalBeerDay: 5 Very Florida Craft Beers (Part 1)

This week — April 7, 2016— is National Beer Day. And craft beer is one one of the reasons I love Florida. A good craft beer captures the heart and soul of a place. I love Florida’s heart and soul, so that must be why I love Florida’s craft breweries. The U.S. now has more craft […]

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Manatee Springs Florida

Why I Love Florida, Reason #4: 900 Hidden Springs

If you have a basic familiarity with the state of Florida, you know it’s a peninsula, surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico on the west and the Atlantic Ocean on the east. But Florida is also home to many more “hidden” bodies of water. Of course, anything hidden is great fodder for my books! Have you ever […]

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What Does the Year of the Monkey Have In Store For You?

Monday, February 8, 2016 begins the Lunar New Year. It’s the Year of the Fire Monkey, also called the Year of the Red Monkey. Chinese astrologists tell us it looks like it’s going to be an unpredictable year, though not necessarily in a bad way. They tell us there’s no sense in planning too elaborately […]

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Downton Abbey’s Creator Brings Us A Serial

If you’re like me, Downton Abbey coming to an end was not happy news. The last season is underway. With every episode, we’re one step closer to the end. But the creator of Downton Abbey, Julian Fellowes, has another project waiting for us in the wings. The project is called Belgravia, named after the district in […]

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False Truth 1-11 Diane Capri

A #Sale on a #Serial Because of National Chocolate Cake Day ?!?

The False Truth Mystery Serial is on sale for $2.99 for National Chocolate Cake Day!!! Let me explain. First of all, yes, there’s such a thing as National Chocolate Cake Day. It’s January 27th. I know Jordan Fox has it on her calendar. She celebrates it like it’s her birthday! Do you know Jordan Fox? […]

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Cigar City Brewing

The Best Craft Beer Brewery in Tampa

Are you a fan of craft beer? Although I’m more of a red wine drinker, the craft beer craze is increasingly popular. In the False Truth Serial, Jordan Fox finds herself at a craft beer brewery that turns out to be the crossroad of good friends and well-connected enemies. One of my favorite real-life craft beer breweries […]

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What We Know About the Witness Protection Program

I was telling you this week about victims’ rights, and one of their rights stood out to me as especially compelling — the right to witness protection, if it’s deemed necessary. The witness protection program is shrouded in secrecy. So it got me wondering: what do we actually know about it? We know something similar […]

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