Tag Archives | legal thrillers

What Does the Year of the Monkey Have In Store For You?

Monday, February 8, 2016 begins the Lunar New Year. It’s the Year of the Fire Monkey, also called the Year of the Red Monkey. Chinese astrologists tell us it looks like it’s going to be an unpredictable year, though not necessarily in a bad way. They tell us there’s no sense in planning too elaborately […]

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FBI Child ID App

An App That Could Save A Child’s Life

Investigative Journalist Jess Kimball’s son was kidnapped ten years ago when he was a toddler. Finding him is her personal obsession, beginning in Fatal Enemy and continuing throughout my two upcoming new releases in the Jess Kimball Thriller Series — Fatal Demand and Fatal Enemy. What kind of resources does Jess Kimball have to help […]

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Mystery Humor

How Food Can Help Solve Mysteries

Today is National Food Day, and October is Mystery Month. So, the overlap had me wondering: what are the most mysterious foods? Clearly, cereal is one of them. I’m kidding, of course. It does turn out, though, that there are plenty of connections between food and forensics.  For example, a scientist named Alison Davidson is […]

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Saturday Special: Happy #PicnicDay Weekend!

This coming Monday, August 3rd, Australians in the Northern Territory will be celebrating Picnic Day. It is a public holiday over there. Lots of Australians use this long weekend to have a picnic at a local park or attend or participate in sporting events. A big one is the Harts Range Annual Races which features […]

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Money Stashers

How much cash do you have on hand? According to the U.S. Federal Reserve, approximately $1.28 trillion dollars in cash are in circulation in the United States. Most of that is in Federal Reserve notes. One economist estimates that there’s enough cash in circulation for every American to have about $1,300.  Do you have that much […]

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Kosha Chair

Saturday Special: Leaving Florida Behind

Around this time of year, I prepare to leave Florida behind and return to Michigan. Like a snowbird, I’ll retreat back to Florida again once Michigan starts to get too cool for comfort — meaning below 70 degrees on a regular basis. Which brings me to the first topic in this week’s Saturday Special. 1. I […]

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Florida Cartoon Map

What You Don’t See At Disney

I saw this cartoon the other day and it made me laugh. As a Florida snow bird, it’s fun to see the state from an outsider’s viewpoint. Look at central Florida on the map. Theme parks fill the whole thing! But there’s more to central Florida than Disney World. I know. It looks like a […]

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Jose Gaspar Invading

Secret Justice and Gasparilla Security

Nearly half a million people crowded into one edge of one city all at the same time? It sounds like a security nightmare, doesn’t it? But that’s what happens each year at Tampa’s Gasparilla parade — an invasion of the pirates. The invasion kicks off my book Secret Justice. You can read more about my take […]

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