Tag Archives | investigative journalism


Good News for Jess Kimball: Print Media Isn’t Doomed

If you’ve been following my Jess Kimball Thrillers series, you know Jess Kimball is an investigative journalist for Taboo Magazine. Which is serious business.  She pounds the pavement hunting down dangerous criminals, like a modern Italian crime family, and pursuing legal justice as a part of her victims’ rights advocacy missions involved in her stories. But […]

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FBI Child ID App

An App That Could Save A Child’s Life

Investigative Journalist Jess Kimball’s son was kidnapped ten years ago when he was a toddler. Finding him is her personal obsession, beginning in Fatal Enemy and continuing throughout my two upcoming new releases in the Jess Kimball Thriller Series — Fatal Demand and Fatal Enemy. What kind of resources does Jess Kimball have to help […]

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Dominick Dunne Vanity Fair

Dominick Dunne’s “Greatest Hits” Online

I hope you have a few hours to kill, because I found Dominick Dunne’s “Greatest Hits” online. I’ve been blogging about investigative reporter Dominick Dunne because of Jess Kimball’s connections to him. He would be something like a mentor to her if he were alive. I’ve also been writing about what it means to be […]

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Magazine Investigations: Jess Kimball’s Serious Business

As an investigative reporter for a magazine, Jess Kimball is a serious journalist. Someday, she could even receive a Pulitzer Prize. Who knows? The Pulitzer Prize celebrates excellence and public service in American journalism. In 2014, eligibility for the Pulitzer was expanded to include investigative reporting for print and online magazines. Which is exactly what Jess Kimball […]

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Dominick Dunne: Before He Was A Journalist

I’ve been working on a couple of new Jess Kimball novels, and am reminded of her strong connection to Dominick Dunne. You know who Dominick Dunne is, right? I’ve written about him before, and about the reasons Jess Kimball admires him: https://dianecapri.com/2014/08/lunch-dominick-dunne/ Like Kimball, Dunne was an investigative journalist. He wrote essays and articles for Vanity […]

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Quote- Fatal Enemy- Running

Benefits of Running For An Investigative Journalist

Are you a runner? I’m an occasional runner, but Jess Kimball is devoted to the sport. She’s the star of my thrillers Fatal Enemy and Fatal Distraction. She’s also an investigative journalist for Taboo Magazine, and a victim’s rights advocate because of a personal tragedy that shoved her in that direction. Running isn’t just a […]

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