Here on Diane Capri Reveals, we’ve featured some of the biggest names in our genre, including my friends and colleagues Lee Child, the father of Rambo, David Morrell, my colleague at the Bar, Steve Berry, the dynamite writing duos Maxine Paetro (and James Patterson), Grant Blackwood (and James Rollins), and more. You can check out those posts by clicking HERE.
For the next few weeks, by popular demand, we’re introducing Licensed to Thrill readers to new authors and new voices in this continuing series focused on Indie Authors.
Today, it’s my pleasure to Reveal the delightful Canadian indie author Sheila Seabrook who is a woman of many talents.

Sheila Seabrook
Sheila’s journey into happily-ever-after tales has led her to write women’s fiction and romantic comedy. Hers are emotional stories filled with smart, sassy heroines, hot heroes who make them laugh, and a wild assortment of family members guaranteed to try to steal the show. Join me in a wonderful conversation with my friend, Sheila Seabrook.
Diane Capri: Why did you start writing, Sheila?
Sheila Seabrook: I used to be a mild-mannered, number-crunching, read-a-holic until I began to hear voices in my head. When I tried to take control of those voices, I ended up taking dictation instead. *laughs* My youngest son would say that’s crazy talk. I remind him he not only inherited my green eyes, but he probably has a few of my crazy genes running around inside of him, too.
Diane Capri: *laughs* Okay, well rumor has it that you’re great at sports. True or False?
Sheila Seabrook: I love sports. Am I good at them? One year in high school gym class, while playing basketball, I scored in the opposite team’s basket. Enough said.
Diane Capri: Maybe you’re into music. Are you a singer?
Sheila Seabrook: My oldest son is the singer in the family. He also writes his own music and lyrics. When I hear a song, my ear zeros in on the instruments and everything else gets lost. All I hear is la-la-la, unless it’s a Tobi Keith song. His lyrics are hilariously funny.
Diane Capri: How about musical instruments? I mean, is that you looking all intense at the keyboards?
Sheila Seabrook: When I was in high school, I used to sit at the piano and bang out House Of The Rising Sun…over and over and over again, until my mom finally closed the kitchen door to muffle the noise. This video is mild compared to the noise I made. My piano really rocked!
Diane Capri: Juggling, maybe?
Sheila Seabrook: Sadly, no. If a glass goes missing in our house, everyone knows I’m the one who broke it.
Diane Capri: Tell us about your current book then, which I’m sure is at least as much fun as you are!
Sheila Seabrook: My current release Wedding Fever is part of the Bandit Creek Books novella series. Bandit Creek’s star reporter is about to have her life turned upside down!
Liz Templeton lives a quiet life with her mother, her mother’s best friend, her boss and—oh yeah—the ghost of her teenage daughter. When her ex-husband returns to town to hunt for the legendary Lost Lake treasure, she doesn’t count on the pair of matchmaking mothers who are planning her wedding or her daughter’s obsession with the man who might be her dad.
Liz has one chance to stop her family from driving her insane…and falling head over heels in love with her ex isn’t part of the plan.
Diane Capri: Sounds like a lot of fun! What’s the book that follows Wedding Fever and when can we read that one?
Sheila Seabrook: I’m currently revising my next release which is tentatively titled Sex, Lies & Family Ties. Hopefully it will be out late November or early December. It’s about three women. There’s some sex, some lies, and a lot of family shenanigans. *big grin*
Diane Capri:*laughs* Of course there is. We’ve teased you a bit about your hobbies, and you’ve been a good sport, but seriously, what do you do to relax and unwind?
Sheila Seabrook: I read, which is probably a given. And I love to play in my flowerbeds. In the spring, while the snow melts, I search through gardening books and magazines and decide which plants to buy. Next is shopping for the plants. I adore browsing the shelves of the local greenhouses and I always find something new and unusual to try. After that is planting, which I have a love/hate relationship with because it’s hard work, especially in those spots where the soil is tough as cement.
For the rest of the summer, my job is to water and admire the flowers while my husband takes care of the weeds. By fall, I’m heartily sick and tired of the work interrupting my computer time, so I’m ready to dig out the annuals and cut down the perennials. But in the midst of all that, I’m already pulling out the gardening magazines and thinking about next summer’s flowerbeds.
This year, we built a cute little garden shed and dug up a new flowerbed so we could be closer to the pond to watch the wildlife. Next year, we’ll bring in some stones for the pathways, add a couple of benches, and get the soil ready for planting. Then comes my favorite part, picking and buying the shrubs and flowers. I’m dreaming of it already.
Diane Capri: We’ll get out of here and let you get back to work, then. Thanks for chatting with us today. We’ve enjoyed your visit!
Sheila Seabrook: Thanks for much for having me on the Diane Capri Reveals segment of your blog. It’s been fun!
Check out Sheila’s books and connect with her online. You can find her at her website: or on Facebook:
What a hoot. thanks for the chuckles, ladies. Sheila, I’d love an invitation to your house in the summer – it always makes me wistful to be surrounded by flowers. But then I remember the work and I get over that—quickly.
Good to see another side of you, Sheila (the athletic part). Diane, this interview is excellent, as is the series.
Any time, Louise, I always have the coffee pot on and the spare room ready for guests. 🙂 Come in the spring and we’ll watch the ducks and the geese as they migrate north and stop at our pond. Thanks for stopping by!
I’m glad you’re enjoying this series, Louise. We all “get by with a little help from our friends, ooooooooo!” 😀
Sheila, your garden area looks beautiful! And your upcoming release sounds really fin. Diane, thanks for another intriguing reveal!
I love books that make me laugh, whether I’m reading them or writing them, Jennette. Thanks so much for stopping by.
My pleasure, Jenn, and thanks for reading. Come back soon!
So nice of your hubby to do the weeding for you, Sheila! It’s great that you find the time to enjoy planting, I think it’s a great compliment to being indoors, writing. Wedding Fever sounds like a fun read… ghosts, lost treasure and ex’s? Oh my! Great interview, ladies!
Shannon, my husband loves a neat and tidy yard, so he jumps on those weeds as soon as he sees them. He saves me so much work. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks, Shannon. From one Florida person to another, I’m thinking Sheila’s weeds are a lot less sturdy than ours, hmmmm? 😀
Love the picture of your garden. Getting your husband to do the weeding would make an excellent how-to book. Wedding Fever sounds like a great read. Looking forward to getting it.
Karla, the how-to- book would probably consist of the following advice: marry a fussy guy. That’s my secret or maybe it’s his secret. Anyway, he goes after those weeds with a vengance, which saves me hours of work. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Hmmmmm, Sheila. I married a fussy guy, but he doesn’t do weeding. I think Karla might be on to something here….
Sheila, you never fail to bring a smile to my lips or give me a chuckle to warm a dreary day. That’s what you do for your readers. Keep rocking the work 🙂
Forence, I’m so glad you were able to dig yourself out of that pile of boxes for a little online playtime. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
You are sooooooooo right, Florence! Thank you for stopping by today and do come back!
Diane, thank you so much for having me on your blog today. I’m a little bit late getting going this morning and will blame it on the Thanksgiving family gathering. Lots of food, talk and laughter, my favorite kind of weekend. 🙂
I’m a late starter myself, Sheila. Good to have you here today. Looking forward to chatting with everyone.
Great to get to know you better, fun stuff! Voices in your head must be saying the right thing. Congrats on your success and may it continue!
LOL! Don’t you just love those voices, Amy? Thanks for dropping in. 🙂
Thanks for reading, Amy!
Wonderful interview, Sheila and Diane! Sheila, I love your garden! Can I come live with you? BTW- House of the Rising Sun is a song I like to sing. If we meet in person someday we could go for a duet!
A duet would be fun, Alicia. I’ll bang on the piano and you can sing and dance. 🙂 Thanks for stopping in!
Now that’s a duet we could sell tickets to, for sure! 🙂
Great interview ladies! And OMG, I love your flowers. 🙂
My favorite job in the summer is smelling the flowers, Jenny. 🙂 Thanks for dropping by!
Thanks, Jenny!
Wonderful interview! It was great getting to know you a little more, Sheila. And that garden looks awesome! I’m looking forward to your next book. 🙂
I’m working hard at the next book, Rhonda. Actually, it’s turning into a series. Don’t you just love those surprises? LOL! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Probably a good thing she lives where she can’t do gardening in the winter, huh, Rhonda? Otherwise, we’d never get to read that new book! 😉
Great interview! And…I LOVE your garden. Very jealous over here. 🙂
Alas, with the recent frosts, all of the flowers are gone, Elena. But hey, now I can start planning next year’s flowers. 🙂 Thanks for stopping in!
Me, too, Elena! 😉
Great interview, ladies. So much fun! Your garden and yard look amazing, Sheila! We might have to bring a whole vanload of CaRWAckians up your way one of these days!
A vanload of CaRWAckians would be great, DL. I miss you guys so much! 🙂 Thanks for popping by.
Hmmmmm….not sure what CaRWAckians are, but they sound like a lively bunch. Maybe we should all pile in!! 😀
You scored in the other team’s basket? How adorable are you, Sheila? It’s clear that other talents run in your family… And knowing you, you scored that shot out of charity. 😉
Thanks for the fun interview, ladies. I hope you know I’m fans of you both.
My mom was very athletic, August, but obviously I get my athletic talents from my dad. Lol. Thanks for stopping by today. 🙂
See, August, this is why I love Sheila — our athletic abilities are equal! 🙂 Thanks for reading!
Thanks for the great interview, Diane and Sheila. It’s so much fun learning about the personal side of our writing community. What a beautiful property, Sheila!
It is great to learn about each other, I agree, Patricial. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Totally agree, Patricia! You think you know people, but…. 😀
Great interview, Diane and Sheila. What a gorgeous yard. Love that new shed, and your plans for next summer sound wonderful. Best wishes with you books!
My husband built the shed from scratch, Lynn. I think it took him almost as long as it took him to build our house. Lol. Thanks for stopping by today. 🙂
I love gardens, Lynn — as long as someone else does the work! Wouldn’t it be nice if Sheila lived closer to us so she and her husband could create all that loveliness in our yards??!! 😀
That’s quite the yard, Sheila! I’m impressed.
Another House of the Rising Sun fan here, and I was scolded for similar reasons. 🙂
Too funny, Jan. 🙂 My mom never scolded me and she swears she closed the door to give me privacy. I think she’s just being kind. Lol. Thanks for popping by tonight.
Another piano prodigy, Jan? Wow! Thanks for reading and please do come back again!
That Animals tune was the first one I purchased for my iPod. Always reminds me of my older brother. He used to play that on his wee mono record player back in the day, when he was pretending to be a rebel.
A lovely interview.
So cool, Roxy. I used to love that song so much. It was weird hearing the Animal’s rendition instead of mine. 🙂 thanks for stopping by tonight.
Thank you, Roxy! The song seems to have a lot of emotional resonance for people, doesn’t it? Thanks for reading and come back again!
Cute interview, Sheila. Nice to get to know you better;-)
Thanks, PJ, and thanks for popping by tonight. 🙂
Nice to have you here, PJ! Come back again!
Hey, Sheila and Diane, great interview! House of the Rising Sun. Now that takes me back. My first boyfriend (really a middle-school, puppy love crush but it was mutual) played that on his electronic keyboard, when such instruments were a new-fangled thing. Whenever I hear it to this day, I think of him.
Diane does great interviews, doesn’t she, Kassandra? 🙂 Funny how particular songs bring back special memories. It makes me want to relive the songs I once loved so much. Thanks for stopping by.
Me, too, Kassandra — about the song and its, er, romantic memories. Thanks for reading!
Diane, thank you for having me on your blog today. I enjoyed the interview and am looking forward to your future interviews with more indie authors. Keep on doing such a wonderful job!
Such a pleasure having you here, Sheila! And so much fun!! I haven’t thought of that old song in years and years — but it’s great that so many folks remembered it, too. Best of luck on the new book, too!
Thank you, Diane!
Great interview, Diane and Sheila! I love seeing your happy face, Sheila…always makes me smile!
It’s fun learning about all those things you’re not talented in, but your talent for things like writing, gardening and being a friend run deep! By the way, I married a fussy husband and he’s awesome at yard work and housework! He enjoys it, too! I’m guilt-free about spending so much time in my office. lol
What fun you had with this interview. I can’t juggle, either. No worries on that stuff, Sheila. But you are excellent with your flowers. My little Monkey has decided she wants to grow a flower garden. That’s something I know nothing about. Maybe you can give her some pointers. 😉 The title of your WIP sounds scandalous. LOL.
Sex, Lies, and Family Ties is a great title, Sheila! I can’t wait to read it.
Your garden is gorgeous, and I like knowing you’ll spend the winter planning what to plant come spring. Gardeners and writers have the ability to look at a barren field/blank page and see what could be.
Thanks, Diane and Sheila, for another fun interview!