What’s the longest airline route you’ve ever taken?
My flight to Italy a few years ago was about ten hours long.
If you’re able to sleep for six hours or so, that leaves you with an hour to get settled, a couple hours to read, and an hour to munch on meals and flip through the magazines. (But that part about sleeping is a big IF!)
In the Flight 12 series of thrillers by The Twelve, passengers board a plane from JFK to Rome. I suspect their flight is going to be about ten hours as well.
It could be worse.
USA Today recently published a list of the 50 longest airline routes from the U.S. and Canada.
We’ll ease into the list with #50.
To fly from Washington Dulles to Addis Adaba, Ethiopia aboard a Boeing 777 takes 12 hours and 30 minutes.
Let’s bump it up to the middle of the list. Coming in at #25? The trip from Toronto to Taipei. It takes 15 hours and 15 minutes in a Boeing 777.
The absolute longest trip you could take from anywhere in the U.S. to anywhere else in the world according to USA Today?
The trip from Dallas/Fort Worth to Hong Kong (7,046 nautical miles). In a Boeing 777, it takes 16 hours and 50 minutes.
How on earth would you pass the time?
- You could read the entire Hunt for Jack Reacher series.
- You could watch about 8 movies.
- You could take about a semester’s worth of classes.
While 16 hours may seem like an eternity, do you know how far you’d get if you walked for 16 hours straight?
Probably about 48 miles.
That means, from Dallas, TX, you’d reach Cleburne, TX on foot in the same amount of time that you could reach Hong Kong in a Boeing 777.
Technology really is amazing, isn’t it?
Tell me: What’s the farthest you’ve ever traveled?
Los Angeles to London. I was hoping to nap, but a group continuing on to Paris were wide awake and partying in the aisle.
Oh no, Barbara — what bad luck!
The furthest I have traveled is from Newark Liberty Airport in NJ to Honolulu International and back. That flight was about 11 hours or so. Movies and meals took up a good chunk of the time, but a good book was never far from my hand. Thank goodness they weren’t 100% full flights and we could get up and walk around a little!
And when you landed, you were in Honolulu! I’m sure the extra room helped enormously. Don’t you love having an empty seat next to you when it works out that way?
The longest flight I have taken was from Australia to L.A. – 14 hrs – and 5 hrs more to home. Long day! Coming up I have a 6hr/40min flight from Singapore to Tokyo, 12 1/2 hrs Tokyo to Atlanta, and 2 hrs Atlanta to home. Not looking forward to that one!! It’s 24 hrs gate to gate from Singapore to Detroit. On this trip we will be starting from Detroit to Athens, cruise to Singapore, and flight home, so actually we will have gone completely around the world!
Bonnie, this is quite the adventure! I’m exhausted just thinking about it, but hopefully it will be well worth all the travel hassle. Have FUN!
Omaha, Nebraska to Singapore is 18hrs 34minutes excluding layovers and changing planes. There is no direct flights so the route is Omaha to Denver to San Francisco to Taiwan to Singapore. The best leg was San Francisco to Taiwan.
Longest flight for me was Boston to LAX to Sydney, AU. Gotta love Quantas! On Demand movies at every seat, open galley area every 10-15 rows of seats, plenty of leg room PLUS a little net hammock beneath the seat in front of you where you could suspend your feet off the floor and Really stretch out some AND on top of dinner served aboard, a nice bag handed out full of snacks, fresh fruit, bottle of water to minimize your need to wander to the galleys,
Longest flight I ever took was in January of 1969, from McChord AFB, in Washington, to Bien Hua airport, in Saigon, Vietnam. We were on the plane approximately 20 hours, with one stop for fuel in Hawaii.
The longest flight that I have made was from Washington, DC to Stuttgart, Germany. I couldn’t sleep and I though we would never get there.
LAX to Sydney…15 hours or a bit longer with the International Date Line offset. Quantas did a good job with the wine. The lady I was with-white knuckle flyer mixing air-sick pills with merlot. With all the stuff about length of flight the thing that got me wasn’t jet-lag…it was the local time when we landed…Left LAX at 12 Midnight on a Sunday into Monday and landed in Sydney at about 8:00 Tuesday. I was ready for dinner. Waiter thought I was nuts or a drunk ordering a nice Yellowtail Chard and nachos (that’s all that was available that wasn’t breakfast food) and I just wasn’t in the mood. El El Alamein Fountain Fountain was cool, though. Did have to look up what the hell a panel banger was.
Boston to Rio De Janeiro