Tag Archives | novel

Cash Money

Will the Panama Papers Aid the Hunt for Jack Reacher?

How well versed are you on the topic of money laundering? Hopefully, not very! Unless you’re a lawyer. As an attorney myself, and a mystery/thriller/suspense author, I’ve researched the topic many times and included it in several of my Hunt for Jack Reacher books. The Panama Papers are a fascinating example of the line between […]

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Trace Evidence by Diane Capri

Hired to Do the Impossible: Can Michael Flint Find The Man and Save the Boy?

The New Release in my Heir Hunter Series starring Michael Flint is available NOW! “Action and suspence from the beginning. Twists and turns till the end.” – H.C. “Flat-out–I loved this book, I loved the story.” Bill W.   Trace Evidence is the second novel in this exciting, fast-paced thriller series starring Michael Flint, heir […]

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Jess Kimball Trailer

Want to see Jess Kimball in Action?

New! Official Trailer For Jess Kimball Thrillers Here’s a glimpse of Jess Kimball in action, in the new trailer for the Jess Kimball Thriller Series. She’s an investigative journalist. But she’ll never be the type to sit and work at a desk all day. Jess is on a mission: find her missing son, who was […]

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When Closed Adoptions Require Investigation

Many adopted or abandoned children, now adults, are on a mission to trace down their biological parents. Or at least, to find as much information about them as possible. Sometimes, such a search calls for a man like Michael Flint, the star of my thriller novel, Blood Trails. Michael Flint is a professional heir hunter. […]

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Rainy Reading Nook 1

Why I Love Florida: The Rainstorms

I know, I know. Florida is nicknamed the Sunshine State and that’s what we love about it, right? The abundance of warm, sunny days are perfect for reading on the beach, or for Judge Willa Carson to drive down Tampa’s Bayshore Boulevard in her convertible with the top down. Well, yes, Florida is called the […]

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Flight 12 Graham and Battles

TWO New Flight 12 Thrillers From THE TWELVE!

You have been asking for the next Flight 12 thriller Today’s the Day! And even better together – two at once!!! Joshua Graham AND Brett Battles each released a new Flight 12 thriller on January 12. Flight 12: A Xandra Carrick Thriller by Joshua Graham Xandra Carrick is a photojournalist featured in Graham’s popular thriller novel Darkroom. She has […]

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