You’re familiar with the smartphone game sensation “Pokémon Go,” right? I mentioned it last week when I was telling you about the wanted man who was caught while playing Pokémon Go outside a Michigan police station. Lesson learned? Don’t hang out at a police station if you’re wanted by law enforcement! It seems obvious … but I guess the power of the game is so compelling, it became a priority for the man who was then taken into custody.
One thing I do like about Pokémon Go though, is that it gets people outside.
Speaking of getting outside, I hope it was a Happy Picnic Day Weekend to all my Australian friends! Picnic Day is a public holiday in the Northern Territory.
I have a feeling Ernest Hemingway would have enjoyed Picnic Day. I told you recently about how he spent summers exploring the great outdoors of Michigan. For inspiration on how to celebrate Picnic Day even if you’re not in the land “Down Under’, check out my blog post on it. If Pokémon Go is available in Australia, you can bet picnic-goers will have their phones out looking for those animated monsters this weekend.
But not me. I haven’t tried Pokémon Go. Why not? Simple. I don’t want to get hooked on it!
I would much rather spend my time reading.
So while everyone else is playing Pokémon Go, what are bookworms to do?
- The obvious answer is to pull out the book you carry with you at all times and READ! But if you feel like you need something more high-tech or interactive…
- All the major retailers who sell my books also have apps that allow you to read books on your device. That includes Amazon’s Kindle (yes, it’s an app as well as a device), iBooks, Google Play’s Google Play Books, the Kobo Reading App from Kobo, and the Nook app.
- Don’t forget about Audible! 14 of my books and counting are available in audiobook format, and you can listen to them via the Audible app on your devices.
- The app Goodreads is kind of fun. It allows you to keep track of the books you’re reading and see what your friends are reading.
- Have you explored Wattpad? The app lets you read and comment along the way, providing an interactive experience.
- First off, I love the name of this app: Shelfie. It’s just what it sounds like — a selfie of your bookshelf. The Shelfie app lets you use a digital picture of your library to possibly get discounts on digital versions of the books on your shelf. Plus, you can peruse other users’ bookshelves to find the next book on your “must read” list.
- The app Gerty lets you not only read books, but also do some journaling while you read them, and even take pictures and make notes to remember what the experience of reading that book was like.
If you are reading while enjoying the outdoors and celebrating Australia’s Picnic Day, your Gerty journal experience could be a rich one indeed!
Did you enjoy the outdoors this weekend? Were you reading or playing Pokemon Go — or what? Leave a comment and let me know! I love feedback!
I will not be trying the new game. I will be reading. I enjoy books.