Tag Archives | Ernest Hemingway

The Bookworm’s Alternatives to Pokémon Go

You’re familiar with the smartphone game sensation “Pokémon Go,” right? I mentioned it last week when I was telling you about the wanted man who was caught while playing Pokémon Go outside a Michigan police station. Lesson learned? Don’t hang out at a police station if you’re wanted by law enforcement! It seems obvious … but […]

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Hemingway’s Secret Getaway: #Michigan

I think it goes without saying: Ernest Hemingway’s most famous home is the one in Key West, Florida. But as a snowbird, I’ve got feelers up here in Michigan, and I’m at least as familiar with Hemingway’s time around the Great Lakes State as I am with his famous Key West home. Hemingway was born in […]

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Hemingway House

How Did Hemingway Get Any Writing Done?!?

I’ve written several times about real life homes of famous authors: Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, to name a couple. But there’s another author who is famous for his home… You know who I’m talking about, right? The home is in Key West, and the writer is Ernest Hemingway. The novelist was born in […]

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