Heads up! At the bottom of today’s Sunday Special is a QUICK THRILLS GIVEAWAY!
Read through to the end, and you’ll see what it is.
But first… let me explain the meaning of today’s blog title. If you’re feeling lonely, oftentimes all it really takes is to connect with 1 person. Just 1 person. Assuming that 1 person knows 1 other person, your relationships then have the potential to grow exponentially. This week I’ve been feeling the power of interconnectedness.
For example:
1) Apparently Amazon is recommending Diane Capri books to Lee Child readers.
Makes sense, since we both write about Jack Reacher, but it was fun to see in print on Amazon.com 🙂 And it made me think of something someone posted on one of my Facebook pages this week:
So true, right??
2) I’m participating in a fun blog hop. A blog hop is when 1 blogger posts a blog, and at the end tags another blogger to answer the same questions or write about the same theme, whatever the case may be.
In this case, M. Ruth Myers of galgumshoe.com tagged me to answer 7 questions about Jess Kimball. You know Jess Kimball from Fatal Distraction, Fatal Enemy, and Flight 12: A Jess Kimball Thriller.
To read my answers to 7 questions about Jess Kimball, CLICK HERE.
3) And, if you’d like to to receive an alert every time I post a new blog, CLICK HERE.
4) Okay, NOW it’s time for a QUICK THRILLS GIVEAWAY!
The prize is 1 signed paperback copy of Get Back Jack.
Earlier this week, I told you about some of the longest flight routes in the world.
To enter your name into the drawing, leave a comment below answering this question: What’s the longest airline route or road trip you’ve ever taken?
**Some of you may have already answered this question on the original blog post. Just copy and paste your answer below and we’ll use it again for your Quick Thrills Giveaway entry!
May the luckiest person win! 🙂
My longest flight was from Chicago O’Hare to Sydney, Australia to visit my niece who was teaching there back in 2000. Fortunately, I was able to sleep a good portion of the trip. 🙂
From Chicago O’Hare to Hawaii on vacation
My ‘longest’ airline flight was from Charleston, SC to Pisa, Italy. I used to work in a military air terminal and enjoyed hearing about passengers Space-A travel adventures. For those that don’t know, Space-A means that if a military aircraft isn’t ‘full’ they will allow authorized passengers to fly (usually free) in the empty seats. This a popular mode of transportation that affords some resilient military retirees the opportunity to ‘hop’ around the world. By ‘hop’ I mean they might start out in Texas and fly to California and then fly to Maine and then to Delaware and then on to Germany. Of course, with mission changes and maintenance issues they could be ‘bumped’ or end up stranded a refueling stop in the middle of no where so their travel could take days or even several weeks. All very Jack Reacher-ish. One of my bucket list items is to show up at a military air terminal with my retired military spouse, our passports and IDs, a 30-pound suitcase each and ask “Where are you flying to today?”
Nothing at all interesting; just New York’s JFK to Rome’s Leonardo da Vinci on a Periillo tour, but I’d like to go nonstop to New Zealand some day
Longest flight for me was Boston to LAX to Sydney, AU. Gotta love Quantas! On Demand movies at every seat, open galley area every 10-15 rows of seats, plenty of leg room PLUS a little net hammock beneath the seat in front of you where you could suspend your feet off the floor and Really stretch out some AND on top of dinner served aboard, a nice bag handed out full of snacks, fresh fruit, bottle of water to minimize your need to wander to the galleys,
The longest flight I ever took was from Detroit to Beijing, China. What blew my mind is that on the return trip, I left Beijing on a Thursday at 10:30 am and got into Detroit on the same Thursday at 10:30 am!
The furthest I have traveled is from Newark Liberty Airport in NJ to Honolulu International and back. That flight was about 11 hours or so. Movies and meals took up a good chunk of the time, but a good book was never far from my hand. Thank goodness they weren’t 100% full flights and we could get up and walk around a little!
In 1985 I was in Melbourne Australia on business going to LA. There was a strike in Sydney so the planned stop was not made. We flow all the way to LA for sixteen hours which at the time was the longest flight ever. The pilot announced he had enough fuel to maybe make Denver but he wasn’t going to try it.
The longest flight was from Toronto, Ontario to Vancouver, it took 4 hours, the best vacation I had ever, and it was so nice then 1971, because everyone got dressed in their Sunday best
The longest trip was a flight from So. California to Washington D.C. for my 8th grade trip. I had so much fun!
I’m glad for the last two comments as I was feeling intimidated by the world travelers! My longest road trips and my longest flight covered about the same distance. A friend and I drove from Spokane, WA to Williamstown, WV. Six months later, my new fiancé and I drove back. My longest flight was from Spokane to Washington, DC.
The longest road trip for me would be from Washington State to Arizona. The longest Flight for me would be from Washington State to Texas. Thank you for the chance. bobbischleining@yahoo.com
I’ve never been one for traveling in other than my armchair, from which I have journeyed to Dune and to Wonderland. In the physical plain, the longest road trip I was on was in 1966, when my family drove the Pan=American highway from Panama City, Panama to Portland, Oregon. We flew down in 1963, but that wasn’t nearly as interesting.
The longest trip was going from LAX to Singapore. The connecting flight was in Hong Kong which is a 14 hours layover back in 1997.
A girlfriend and I were moving to the Seattle area to do some college and we booked our flight through a friend at a (the only) travel agency in Kodiak, AK – she called us and said for $100 she could get us to Hawaii as well 🙂 Of course we were broke kids so my friends parents coughed up some money for the hotel as a grad gift. The catch was that we had to fly to Anchorage, Seattle, Calif, Hawaii, Calif, and back to Seattle – we had 2 or 3 nights to play before hitting the books. We eventually learned that Seattle was a bad choice for school bcuz it was the Kodiak party stop and back in the early’80’s that’s what we did 😉 Took me 10yrs to pay off school I got nothing (much) from :/ My bad. But I digress, the flight was a monster and I wanted off that plane in Seattle SO bad!! Don’t really recall exactly but it was something like 16hrs all told. Torture; but worth every minute.
Longest Flight? LAX to Sydney, Aus. 16 hours +/- Wasn’t the flight that was so bad or the loss (or gain..depending on point of view) of the day due to the International Date Line. It was the local time I hadn’t dialed in. Left a little before midnight on a Sunday and arrived a bit before 8:00AM on a Tuesday…and I wanted dinner.
Longest road trip? Had to be a round-trip from southern New Jersey to Longmont, CO and back with a side trip to Wichita, KS. Total trip was about 3300 miles and included a straight shot from Wichita to home in 19 hours
Longest road trip of 5384 km was in February of 2011 when me, wife and dog drove from Nova Scotia to Alberta Canada…a relocation move and still there.
Longest flight, flying route: Flying from Albuquerque NM to Sicily, Italy with an overnight layover in Philadelphia. It was a wonderful trip, I was transferring from one base to another and the layover in Philadelphia was fantastic. I had never been there before, the taxi man found this out and took me from the airport to an historic hotel downtown where Benjamin Franklin had stayed, he showed me the Maritime Museum around the corner and the Liberty Bell across the street. The next morning when it was time to go back to the airport he was down stairs waiting for me. I was dressed in uniform tor travel and I think he must have turned off the meter because he only charged me $3.00 for the trip. He gave me a great impression of Philadelphia that I have carried to this day.
Longest Driving Trip: 3645.10 miles We took a round about trip to visit family. We went from SC to NC to IL, to KS, to NM, then TX, GA, and finally back to SC all in two weeks. That as a very fun, but very tiring trip; especially since we had two little boys at the time and needed to stop often. The most fun my husband had on the trip was driving the Missouri Turnpike. He had a blast while I was sleeping, driving up on a diesel truck that was being towed, and honking his horn and shouting “watch out!”
Both of these trips are such great memories.
Longest flight I ever took was supposed to last no more than 90 minutes. After waiting in the airport for 3 hours past the scheduled departure, we finally boarded. By the time we got to Detroit, I had already missed my connecting flight to Flint, Michigan. So they put us up at a hotel overnight. The next day, I took the connecting flight and my cousin picked me up. The flight back was equally nightmarish. I showed up at the airport and was told the flight to Philly had been cancelled. We checked surrounding cities, the entire eastern seaboard was fogged in. My cousin couldn’t take me to the airport the surrounding day, so I suggested a layover in Pittsburgh, where I visited with my mother. The next day, she took me to the airport and I waited on the plane for another 2 hours before finally being returned to Philadelphia. It stands out in my memory because it was the last time I saw one of my cousins before she passed. And I had been in such poor physical health that I spent the entire trip in a wheel chair. sigh… The one thing I had to say is that if the employees of the airline hadn’t been so kind and professional, it would have been my worst memory. But they really were wonderful.
My longest flight was Los Angeles to Sydney, Australia. Kind of freaky considering it is over ocean the whole way!
My longest airline flight was from Anchorage, Alaska to Waterloo, IA. My longest motorcycle trip was 5000 miles with my late husband on his Gold Wing- a two week trip from Waterloo, IA through MO, AL, MS, LA, TX, NM, CO, and NE. My longest cruise was from San Diego with stops along the Mexican coast, Costa Rico, through the Panama Canal, Panama City, Aruba, and ended at Fort Lauderdale.
My longest flight was 4 hours and my longest road trip was 10 1/2 hours.
My longest flight was Los Angeles to London. My longest drive has been from Indianapolis to Los Angeles.
Longest road trip pennsylvania to mississippi, 22 hrs straight except for gas,drinks,and bathroom breaks,We have done this countless times now,as my youngest is engaged to a youngman that inherited his dad’s land. Think “DALLAS” from the 80’s. No Joke, they are building a home w a inlaw suite for myself. The trip is hell,so next time i’m flying,its only 4 hours ,I’m giving them 10 years then i’ll join them,they need time to be a family,ad i need time to have fun:)
I went from Baltimore to London.
I lost my husband 5 years ago.Sudden heart attack at 40,we were friends 26 years..so when he passed,my entire left arm fell off. I was sitting on a park bench,a gentleman about 70 was waiting for the senior/disability bus. (I”M disabled, paralyzed left leg) so getting around for me is a nightmare.The gentleman said ” Your never alone”,i started to cry,i said “how can you tell?” He just kissed my hand and got on the bus.
I get on looking to sit next to him….the only other rider was a 60ish year old woman,with me that afternoon.
True story….i asked the driver and the woman passenger over and over,they thought i was sedated,that i had some kind of procedure.
Thanks for sharing your story, Cheri.
I was flying back home from visiting family in MS. In order to save money, I took the cheapest route. My flight was cancelled, and I was rerouted, but instead of taking me through Dallas, we flew to DENVER, then instead of going to Reno, which was only 45 minutes from my home, we flew PAST Reno, on to Salt Lake, then BACK to Reno. This was in addition to extensive layovers. I always fly with my dog, so the poor baby was exhausted, as was I, and his bladder was about to pop. I was miserable. We aren’t even going to BEGIN to discuss the issue I had with my luggage!
From Houston, TX to Banff Springs, Alberta, Canada
Thanks to all who entered. The winner, chosen at random via random.org, is Jody. Congratulations, Jody! Check back soon for another Quick Thrills Giveaway 🙂
To be sure you don’t miss the next one, sign up to get an alert every time I post a new blog: https://dianecapri.com/get-involved/get-my-blog/
I find it interesting that all these comments, dated September 21, only today (September 27) reached my email inbox.
That said, I DID receive the initial email and posted a comment in reply…but only as to longest flight. As to longest road trip: several times El Paso, TX, to/from Boston, MA; also many times Albuquerque/Las Cruces/Alamagordo/Cloviis/Roswell/EL Paso (take your pick for origin since I’ve made the trip from every one of them) to North Carolina and return.
That is really odd, Linda, about the delayed delivery of comments. I wonder what happened there? And thanks for coming back!