What Are The Dog Days of Summer?

These are the dog days of summer, am I right?
(At least, if you live in the Northern Hemisphere.)

Dog On Hot Summer Day

Image by Kreuzschnabel/Wikimedia Commons, License: artlibre

Do you know where that expression came from? From the Romans, of course! The Romans associated the hottest days with the star Sirius. They believed the star… which is the brightest in the Canis Major (Large Dog) constellation… caused the weather to be so hot.

These long, hot days are part of the reason I’ve offered a couple little pick-me-ups this week.
That tops today’s Saturday Special:

1. We have TWO WINNERS! In my most recent newsletter, I offered an Exclusive Surprise Giveaway to my readers — an autographed copy of one of my books. We just drew the winners’ names a few minutes ago.
Congratulations to James Kiely and Linda Zanni! We’ll be sending your books in the mail next week.

Are you subscribed to my twice-a-month newsletter? I call it my News Flash. If you’re not signed up, and you want to be included in exclusive offers like this next time, CLICK HERE!

2. Readers are being rewarded left and right around here! In addition to the Exclusive Surprise Giveaway for newsletter subscribers, we’re also holding a RAFFLE in celebration of my recent book release!

Diane Capri Flight 12

The book is Flight 12: A Jess Kimball Thriller.
The prizes? A $200 e-Gift Card, a Flight 12 Cap, and Travel Treasures.
It’s not too late to enter! Just CLICK HERE.

3. So… I have a new book cover. It’s a little too soon for me to release it publicly. But I just couldn’t resist telling you. Sorry to leave you hanging, but I think you’re going to love the way it looks. Stay tuned! You’ll get a glimpse of it soon, I promise!

4. Have you ever seen the ransom note Charles Lindbergh discovered after his son was kidnapped? We talked about Kidnapping for Ransom this week because it’s involved in my Flight 12 book. To see the Lindbergh ransom note, CLICK HERE.

I leave you this weekend with one of the most beautiful pictures of an airplane I’ve ever seen. The photo is by a man named Ravi Vora, of Loyal Renegade.

Ravi Vora

Meanwhile —

Caffeinate and Carry On!

Diane Capri

p.s. Are you a member of the Diane Capri’s Exclusive Reading Group mailing list? It’s FREE! Just CLICK HERE to sign up and refer your friends, too. You’ll be glad you did, I promise. Can’t wait to see you there!


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