Saturday Special: Change Is In The Air

Change is in the air. Do you feel it? I mean that quite literally — central Florida is COVERED in pollen! Apparently spring took its cue from the calendar and arrived here in full force. Antihistamines to the rescue! Have the seasons started changing yet where you live?


Photo © Laura Lavrack

In addition to the weather, several other changes are coming:

1. This week I blogged about MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa becoming home to eight KC-135 Stratotankers.  The topic came up because I’ve been researching MacDill for my next book.

2. If you received my NewsFlash! on March 23rd, you saw that I’m working on a new project! Most of the project is still under wraps, but we asked our subscribers a very important question. Did you vote? What? You’re not a NewsFlash! subscriber? You can fix that quickly — and you’ll be glad you did! CLICK HERE

3. This week The Twelve found out that readers pushed Deadly Dozen onto the USA Today BestSeller List for the 4th straight week. Thank you for being the best readers in the world!!!!!!

USA Today Bestseller List

4. Check this out! Pre-orders are now open for the German edition of Don’t Know Jack, which means a new book cover! How cool is that?!

DKJ- German translation

Until next time, steer clear of the pollen and don’t forget to subscribe to NewsFlash! so you’ll have a chance to let your vote count!

Meanwhile —

Caffeinate and Carry On!

Diane Capri

p.s. Are you a member of the Diane Capri’s Exclusive Reading Group mailing list? It’s FREE! Just CLICK HERE to sign up and refer your friends, too. You’ll be glad you did, I promise. Can’t wait to see you there!


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One Response to Saturday Special: Change Is In The Air

  1. Cindy Salg March 29, 2014 at 11:30 am #


    I am halfway through “The Twelve” and loving every minute of it. My problem, I want to read each novel clear through and find I am up until the wee hours riveted to my Kindle. I must admit that I find your “Jack” books the best. Even my husband, who reads so many historical and political novels, slipped in the “Jack” books and commented to me he thought they were good reads!

    Keep ’em coming. I am almost done with “The Twelve.”

    Off to caffeinate!

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