Tag Archives | vigilante justice


Lee Child and Stephen King On Stage

What’s your favorite moment surrounding the release of a new book? Because the moment we finish reading a book in a series we love is so jubilant and devastating at the same time, I sometimes think the happiest moment for a Book Series Fan is hearing the announcement revealing the title of the next upcoming book in the […]

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Rashomon Effect

Why Jack Reacher Can’t Escape The Rashomon Effect

When my editor told me that my new book, Jack and Joe, has a very Rashomon feel, it took me all of 0.225 seconds to decide that was a compliment. A Rashomon feel. That’s exactly what Lee Child and I were striving for when I set out to write this Hunt for Jack Reacher Series […]

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“Everything was a game of chess with him.”- Jack Reacher

Lee Child’s new release, Small Wars, has been out for several days now. Have you finished it yet? I read it immediately! It’s a digital short from the #1 New York Times Bestselling Author. Small Wars takes us back to 1989. What did 1989 look like for you? Some of the top movies that year: […]

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