Tag Archives | Hunt for Justice

Downtown Tampa Live

Escape to Florida With Me!

Most of my Hunt for Justice books are set in Tampa, Florida, where Judge Willa Carson lives. Cold Justice is the big exception, taking place while Willa and her husband George are on a vacation in Michigan, where they run into murder. But from the first book in the series, Due Justice, to the most […]

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Thonotosassa, Florida

Florida as a murder site? What gives?

I love Florida. I know, I know— who doesn’t? But bear with me. I’m not talking only about Disney World and the beaches. As a mystery writer, I try to peer into the darker side of Florida, which is part of the intrigue! I’m not from Florida. In fact, I’m a proud, self-professed snowbird. Although […]

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Hemingway’s Secret Getaway: #Michigan

I think it goes without saying: Ernest Hemingway’s most famous home is the one in Key West, Florida. But as a snowbird, I’ve got feelers up here in Michigan, and I’m at least as familiar with Hemingway’s time around the Great Lakes State as I am with his famous Key West home. Hemingway was born in […]

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Florida Drinks

5 Inventions That Are SO Florida

You know I love Florida, which is why a lot of my books are set in the Sunshine State. Judge Willa Carson of my Hunt for Justice Mystery Series has a beautiful home on Plant Key, but it’s hard to keep her inside for long. During her internship at the TV news station in Tampa, […]

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Undershaw Conan Doyle

Revealing Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Home

Have you ever taken a moment to imagine where the creator of Sherlock Holmes might have lived? Surely someplace truly mysterious and magical and of course very British, right? The residence of Sherlock himself — 221B Baker Street — is so famous (even though it’s a fictional place…) that I think many of us picture Sir Arthur Conan […]

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David Camm

True Crime: Sweatshirt DNA Releases Father of Family Murders

As a mystery and thriller writer, my books require extensive research on DNA. DNA is so packed with data that it’s no surprise DNA has been the key to solving countless mysteries. But DNA isn’t always the whole story, is it? And you know I’m interested in justice, because of my background as a lawyer, and as a human […]

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DNA Books

When DNA Provided Poetic Justice

A little earlier this week, I told you about three mysteries solved using DNA. In one case, the DNA helped convict someone. In one case, it identified remains. And in another case, DNA helped exonerate someone. You know I’m interested in justice, because of my background as a lawyer, and because of my Hunt for […]

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Saturday Special: Happy #PicnicDay Weekend!

This coming Monday, August 3rd, Australians in the Northern Territory will be celebrating Picnic Day. It is a public holiday over there. Lots of Australians use this long weekend to have a picnic at a local park or attend or participate in sporting events. A big one is the Harts Range Annual Races which features […]

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Bayshore Wasted Justice

A Photographic Tour of Bayshore Boulevard

Do you know one landmark that’s referenced in almost every one of my books set in Florida? Bayshore Boulevard in Tampa. That’s because it’s one of the true gems of the city. So I wanted to introduce Bayshore Boulevard to those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting it. Arguably Bayshore Boulevard’s heartiest claim to […]

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Twisted Justice Audible


We’ve put a new twist on the Judge Willa Carson thriller Twisted Justice… It’s now available in audiobook from Audible! Stay tuned to my newsletter for an upcoming giveaway, where we plan to hand out some free audio downloads! The next newsletter comes out March 23rd. If you aren’t subscribed to my NewsFlash! newsletter, and to […]

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