Tag Archives | DNA


3 Famous Mysteries Solved Using DNA

I thought I had a pretty good understanding of the significance of DNA, but then I read this fact and it made me reconsider everything I thought I knew about the science of the stuff! Here’s another fact. Did you know this one? DNA is so jam packed with data that it’s no surprise DNA […]

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DiMaggio Brothers

Famous Siblings: Who’s Your Favorite?

Is DNA destiny, or is life one big chess game? Even though Jack and Joe Reacher are strikingly similar physically, I think Joe Reacher would prefer to think of life as one big chess game. Jack’s like that, too. He’s strategic, but he also takes control physically of every event, play by play. But when […]

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“Everything was a game of chess with him.”- Jack Reacher

Lee Child’s new release, Small Wars, has been out for several days now. Have you finished it yet? I read it immediately! It’s a digital short from the #1 New York Times Bestselling Author. Small Wars takes us back to 1989. What did 1989 look like for you? Some of the top movies that year: […]

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Jack and Joe Reacher

Which Traits Can You Blame on Your DNA?

How many of our traits can we blame on our DNA? Height? Science says yes. But how about competitiveness? Stubbornness? A love of sweets? Below, we’ll look at these four traits and whether or not they’re connected to genes because… Jack and Joe, the new release in my Hunt for Jack Reacher Series… is due out August […]

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