Annabelle’s Attack: Behind the Book

If you loved Carly’s Conspiracy, you’ll enjoy Annabelle’s Attack, too. Let me share a bit Behind the Book with you.

Young lawyer Jenny Lane is hardworking and ambitious. She’s landed her dream job at a large Tampa law firm. She’s put her personal life aside for now and dedicated herself to work. Her career is taking off. She’s got nowhere to go but up. Today, she was given the opportunity to make her career an amazing success and she’s determined not to blow it. When Jenny puts her mind to it, she knows she can do anything. At least, she tries to believe her parents who’ve always inspired her with that mantra.

Immediately, the big assignment goes horribly wrong. Jenny finds herself mired in a bewildering case. A young woman is missing. Her new client believes the missing woman has stolen his formula for the cure for a fatal disease worth millions on the open market. And Jenny’s working life is turned upside down when she falls in love with the client’s son.

Will Jenny find the young woman before it’s too late? Will she give up her career for her new lover? Will this case destroy Jenny’s world as she knows it?

By now you know my books are based in real world situations. Annabelle’s Attack was inspired something my dermatologist said. “Did you know, Diane, that a person is five times more likely to get Hepatitis C from a tattoo in a tattoo parlor than from one he gets in prison?” I already knew HepC was a chronic blood condition that can not be cured. Tattoos have become so commonplace that everyone from teens to grandmas have them. How could I resist a fact like that?

What if a cure for HepC was nearly ready? How much money would that be worth on the open market? How far would someone go to cure themselves or their loved ones?

Click Here to download or sample Annabelle’s Attack to find out. And be sure to let me know what you think of the story. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Enjoy!






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Carly’s Conspiracy: Behind the Book

The New Year is a time of rebirth, isn’t it? My first published novel, Carly’s Conspiracy, has recently been revised and reborn after years of wasting in the no-man’s-land left behind when traditional publishers go bankrupt.  Indeed, all four of the Judge Wilhelmia Carson novels have been revised and reborn. I couldn’t be more thrilled […]

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Best Tweets That ‘Twas

It’s been a slow week, Tweets That ‘Twas-wise. Folks were spending time with family over the holidays, which is as it should be. Those same holiday celebrations probably kept a few of you from our worthy tweets, hm? Read-worthy blogs and articles we shared this week reprised: First, be sure to listen up! Jennette Marie […]

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The Tweets That ‘Twas @DianeCapri

If you follow me on Twitter @DianeCapri, you know I tweet an eclectic set of items that catch my fancy. Often the subjects are movies, television, and books. Sometimes, foodie and travel bits amuse or inform. The art of writing and the business of publishing are perpetual favorites, natch. I retweet blogs and items that […]

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Frivolous Friday – Need a New Cocktail!

Okay folks, something totally frivolous today. I’m having a small party and I’m tasked with serving a new cocktail. Seems this group is a little bored with our usual red wines. (Yes, I agree – how could anyone be bored with red wine?) I’m no mixologist, so I did what all modern women do. Right. […]

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“A Christmas Story”: Ralphie’s Perfect Gifting Secret

There’s no better feeling than hitting the gifting bulls-eye, especially when the best gift is shared in a face-to-face moment. Every kid knows receiving great gifts feels wonderful. But we adults know giving great gifts feels even better. ‘Tis truly better to give than to receive. Except when it isn’t. Whether they cost precious time, […]

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Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: Lessons from Steve Jobs

Last night, I watched 60 Minutes, for the first time in more than a decade. Why? Because the episode featured Steve Jobs’ self-selected biographer, Walter Isaacson. As I said back in August, I was late to the Apple party, but I became a total convert long before I knew Mr. Jobs was ill with cancer, or […]

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Thank you, Steve Jobs

I blogged about Trailblazer Steve Jobs earlier this summer when he announced his resignation as CEO. At the time, a friend lamented, “He would never have quit if he wasn’t seriously ill. He won’t live much longer.” While I secretly feared this was true, I also hoped my friend was wrong. I hoped Mr. Jobs was recovering […]

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Monday Mystery Mob™ Solution

The Monday Mystery Mob™ reached the following conclusions. Do you agree? #1 Death After Dinner: The study of twins in science is evolving and far from settled. Although fertility treatments produce frequent twins in today’s world, identical twins (called monozygotic, meaning two embryos developed from a single fertilized egg) remain statistically rare. They occur only once […]

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Trailblazers: Jane Austen and Alexander McCall Smith

Is there a place for the positive in crime fiction? Regular readers of my novels know I believe the answer is yes. We must extrapolate a bit, but it seems Alexander McCall Smith, author of the hugely successful Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency series, may agree. In an article published this month titled “Beauty Locked […]

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