If you follow me on Twitter @DianeCapri, you know I tweet an eclectic set of items that catch my fancy. Often the subjects are movies, television, and books. Sometimes, foodie and travel bits amuse or inform. The art of writing and the business of publishing are perpetual favorites, natch. I retweet blogs and items that catch my fancy. If it interests me and might interest you, I pass it along every day.
No time to follow me on Twitter this week? Tweets you wanted to follow now too hard to find in the Tweet-o-sphere? No worries.
Here are a few of the week’s best tweets you may have missed:
Julie Headlund is running an easy contest. Hurry and you may still win an iPod for yourself or for a gift: Contest – Help Promote My Story and Win and Alex Kava has a great contest going, too.
Shannon Esposito offers a list of great rules for self-care this busy holiday season: Rules That Shape Us
Nancy Nicholson reminds us to open our eyes and get curious: Blind or Do You See?
In the “reading is far from dead” department this week, the Wall Street Journal published this inspiring story about Darcie Chan’s amazing success: How I Became a Best-selling Author
Darcie’s story caused Renee Pawlish to share more on the topic: What Indie Authors Know–The Wall Street Journal is Behind the Times
And the Amazing Ann Patchett opened her own Independent bookstore in Nashville, Parnassus Books
Television featured prominently this week, too.
We learned that the more televison programming seems to change since 1951, from Lucy and Dragnet to Two & half Men and Law & Order the more it stays the same: The More Things on the Small Screen Change
Sadly, we lost two wonderful fiction icons this week, too. Harry Morgan, who most of us know as M*A*S*H’s Colonel Potter and Joseph Farrell, the man behind some of the most successful Hollywood endings ever.
During the gift giving season, books make the best presents. Consider these by Michael Connelly, John LeCarre, Paul Levine or maybe you’d like to try one of mine? This week, I tweeted the news that a personal electronic copy of Carly’s Conspiracy was free for 24 hours. New reader Mary Post did just that and wrote: “Hi Diane. I did get a copy of this and thoroughly enjoyed it. I’ll be getting more Judge Carson books, I’m sure. Thank you.”
While that promotion is closed now, Carly’s Conspiracy is available as a free read through the Amazon Prime lending program for the next 90 days. If you’re not an Amazon Prime member, Carly’s Conspiracy is exclusively available at Amazon for purchase at the reduced price of $2.99.
Surely, I missed some great tweets this week, too. Were there any you’d like to pass along? Please do. I love to keep up with you all!
Follow me @DianeCapri. And tune in next week for another Best of the Tweets that ‘Twas!
Diane – thanks for including me in your mash-up! I’m off to check out the others now. 🙂
Good luck with your contest, Julie!
Thanks for this, Diane. Some good articles there I’d missed!
Tweets go by so fast, don’t they? I miss lots of great stuff, I know….
Diane, thanks for including me in this mash-up. I’m so glad when people are curious and see. 😉
Most of us are traveling around with our heads down, Nancy. Focused on what we need to do and where we need to go. Thanks for the reminder to look up once in a while, too!
Thanks for including me in your tweety-bird mash up! And you’re so right…books do make the best presents!!
No better gifts as far as I can tell, Shannon!
Aww, the photo’s perfect for the post, Diane. And this is your first mash-up? You aced it. Thanks for the links. Try as I might to keep up, I always miss great posts.
Thanks! My neighbor, Laurie Lavrack is an amazing photographer. She took this picture right in my yard. So cute, isn’t he? As for keeping up, join the crowd! yiyiyiyiyiyiyiyi
Nice. Well done, Diane.
Thanks. Glad you liked it!
Great links and I love that little birdie photo–so cute 🙂
Ooh Diane, awesome suggestions. And may I thank you for your kind Retweet!
I must tell you what a privilege it was to have you and Barry Crowther participate on my post. The two most successful Mystery/Suspense/Thriller novelist in our wana1011 class. Thank you Diane for your insightful comment. Barry did reply to your comment by the way. That was great fun.
Well I best get busy reading these great posts! Thanks Diane! 🙂
So many wonderful posts in our group — so little time! Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words, Karen. Truly appreciate it!
What an awesome mash-up! This is helping me to get caught up ont the week I got behind:) And I’m off to check out your book, since I love Amazon Prime!
I love Amazon Prime, too, Kara. Let me know how the lending thing works. It sounds awesome!
Nice way to do a mash-up. I like it.
Thanks, Emma. Appreciate the kind words!
Thanks for the links, Diane. I missed quite a few. (loved the twitter picture 🙂
Those little birds are quick! Enjoy!
I’ve really enjoyed your eclectic tweets, Diane! Nice to catch up on the ones I’ve missed.
Glad to hear it, Debra. I have a wandering mind, I guess….
Nicely done. Great mash-up Diane!
With all you’ve got going on, I’m totally amazed that you’ve spent a few moments here. Thanks so much! And now I know you’re looking forward to that cruise!!
Still making an effort to make the rounds. 🙂
This is a great round-up of links, Diane. I’ll be sure to check them all out!
Always fun to see stuff like this, right? Thanks for reading!