Thanksgiving Sky © Laura Lavrack
NEWSFLASH about NewsFlash!
This week, our first NewsFlash! arrived at inboxes around the world.
So what’s a NewsFlash! ? Think of it as sort of the anti-newsletter. The goal was to create a short and clear email note with goodies and gold nuggets of information exclusively to Diane Capri Crowd members. I don’t want to give it all away… but I will reveal that NewsFlash! contains more of what you want and less of what you don’t. Members get announcements about upcoming books, recommended reading, plus very enticing offers in every issue.
Also, this should go without saying, but you’ll get no spam and no sharing of your personal information. Ever.
Why I’m excited about NewsFlash!:
- It’s new. That means it’s still discovering itself and being discovered.
- It gives me a chance to show you what I’m up to.
- It gives you a chance to tell me what you REALLY think.
- It’s exclusive to my most loyal readers.
- It comes out twice a month — just long enough to keep you waiting, but not so often that it clutters your inbox.
NewsFlash! is delivered to your inbox on the 8th and the 23rd of every month. Which means the next issue comes out… you guessed it… December 8th. We’ve got big news to share with you! See you then — if you’ve subscribed! If you’re not subscribed and you’d like to be, simply CLICK HERE and sign up. Tell your friends, too. You’ll be glad you did!
Meanwhile, for all of us celebrating American Thanksgiving, please have a wonderful holiday with friends and family. Enjoy yourselves before the holiday madness begins, but stay warm out there and travel safe. And we’ll see you back here very soon.
Until then –
Caffeinate and Carry On!
p.s. Would you like a little help with your shopping budget? Are you a member of the Diane Capri Crowd NewsFlash! mailing list? Just CLICK HERE to complete the form and refer your friends, too. Can’t wait to see you there!
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