Tag Archives | missing person

Missing Man Found Alive & Well 40 Years Later

Too often, the stories we hear about missing people end in tragedy. But sometimes missing persons turn up alive. That’s the outcome Jess Kimball is counting on because her son was kidnapped as an infant. As the author behind the Jess Kimball Thriller Series, I keep myself informed and motivated by the cases of people […]

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Seriously. You could be a missing person and not even know it. Any of us could be. As you know, stories about missing people fascinate me. I’ve written about various ways people go missing in several of my books. Since I’m a mystery/thriller/suspense writer, the answers in my books are usually crime-related, of course. While […]

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William Shakespeare's Will

What If You Are A Missing Person?

Seriously. You could be a missing person and not even know it. Any of us could be. As you know, stories about missing people fascinate me. I’ve written about various ways people go missing in several of my books. Since I’m a mystery/thriller/suspense writer, the answers are usually crime-related, of course. But the reality is that we […]

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