Saturday Special: Independence!

In the United States, we’re smack dab in the middle of a Long Holiday Weekend. For many of us, the 4th of July means lots of burgers, extra cheese, hot dogs, and a coupla beers. Followed often by fireworks, and another day of celebrations. In today’s Saturday Special….

1. In case you missed it: I blogged about how MacDill Air Force Base celebrates the 4th of July. MacDill Air Force base is featured in my newest Hunt for Jack Reacher book, Jack In The Green.

USSOCOM Para-Commandos

2. Also this week, I wrote about what to do when life hands you lemons. Independence (whether I wanted it or not)! Of course, it helps to have a little help from friends along the way.
(You can read Part Two of that story HERE.)

3. For example, I couldn’t have been a part of my newest project, Flight 12, without a little help from my friends. Here’s the awesome cover of my Flight 12 book. Release Day is July 12th! I can’t wait for you to read it!

Diane Capri Flight 12

What does independence mean to you?

Meanwhile —

Caffeinate and Carry On!

Diane Capri

p.s. Are you a member of the Diane Capri’s Exclusive Reading Group mailing list? It’s FREE! Just CLICK HERE to sign up and refer your friends, too. You’ll be glad you did, I promise. Can’t wait to see you there!


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