Tag Archives | New Year

Herend Tang Horse

2014: What Does The Year of the Horse Plan For You?

2013 is drawing to a close, but if you still want more time before mentally beginning a new chapter, you’re in luck! According to the Chinese Zodiac, we still have 30 days left to wind up 2013 and prepare for our future. The Year of the Snake ends on January 30, 2014. And then we begin […]

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Due Justice And Jack Reacher’s Revenge – We Want You!

We’re excited about our Next Big Thing and We Want You! You know what we’re talking about, don’t you? Due Justice, coming soon in paperback, sure. And the book I’m writing, too. What’s the title, you say? Well, I’m having a little problem with that and I’m hoping you’ll tell me. Have you voted yet […]

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