I’m THRILLED to let you know
FREE for a very limited time!!!
To download the Boxed Set FREE from iBooks, CLICK HERE.
(A $9.99 Value!)
The boxed set contains the first 4 books in
False Truth: A Jordan Fox Mystery Serial
Why did I choose to write and publish a serial, you might wonder.
Simply put, it was fun! (And quite a challenge, too!)
Did you know these fun facts about serials?
- False Truth is an eleven book serial novel. Shorter than a television season, but longer than a movie or a mini-series.
- Serial novels have a long and respected place in crime fiction. After all, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the venerable Sherlock Holmes as a serial.
- Serials were all the rage in Charles Dickens’ time. Unlike Dickens, the False Truth serial didn’t require ten years to write, thank heavens!
- Many literary novels were serials first, such as Thomas Hardy’s “Far from the Madding Crowd” and Henry James’ “Portrait of a Lady,” not to mention almost everything Charles Dickens ever published.
- Serials are both a challenge and fun to write, as well as a challenge and fun to read. They keep the tension and excitement building with every book.
- Serials require patience if you read them as they are released instead of “binge reading” after all the books in the serial are published.
- I write for the same reason we all read — because I want to find out what happens! The longer that tension and excitement lasts, the better!
The conclusion of this serial, False Truth 11, is slated for release May 15.
If you’re the kind of reader who simply can’t stand to wait until the next book is released, this FREE offer from iBooks is a perfect opportunity to jump start the False Truth Serial and you can binge-read all you like until False Truth 11 reaches “THE END!”
To get False Truth 1-4 FREE from iBooks (a $9.99 value), CLICK HERE.
Very nice price. Have a great mothers day.