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Bad News For Criminals Who Left DNA Behind

The science news I’m about to tell you about is really, really bad news for criminals who haven’t been caught yet. Imagine there was a break-in at your home, and all the burglar left behind was a drop of blood. Scientists are now fine-tuning technology that would allow them to create a computer-constructed image of the […]

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Bookworm Problems

Why #BookLovers Should Clean for 15 Minutes

The horrors! 😀 But it’s true, isn’t it? For book lovers, waiting for a new release is almost as annoying as scrubbing the bathtub. And the wait is especially agonizing when you’re reading books as part of a series. In that case, waiting becomes part of a complete emotional roller coaster, starting with the thrill of […]

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Do Your Ancestors Determine How You Drink Coffee?

So I read recently that genes determine how you process coffee. Without even glancing at my family tree, I can tell you that my ancestors must have DEVOURED coffee because I’ve got a serious penchant for it. Besides just plain liking or not liking the taste of it, genes determine how we process coffee/caffeine. For […]

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