A new unputdownable crime thriller series…
I have some exciting news to share with you today. But first, let me tell you a little bit about this project.
When I was a kid, my parents watched a show called “The Millionaire.” Do you know it? The premise was that at any time, out of the blue, someone might knock on your door and offer you a million dollars. Wow! You’d be an instant millionaire! How cool is that? Or was it…
The show explored the ways that unexpected wealth could change your life — for better or worse.
The premise has always intrigued me, just like it intrigued millions of fans of the show, which ran for five years on television. But I never knew anyone such a thing had happened to.
Until a friend of mine actually had this exact experience — only better. (More on that next time.)
And, of course, being a thriller writer, I thought: what a great premise for a book, or a series!
So Michael Flint was born.
I wrote that first book. And then a second one.
As you know, I write for you.
Some of you read the two Flint books and loved them and asked for more. Which is always my big goal for any book I write.
But the publisher’s business model limited the distribution of the two Flint books and they didn’t reach all of the readers who might enjoy them, including many of you who have written to ask me when I planned to write more Michael Flint.
The books went out of print and became unavailable.
It’s taken a while to get Flint back on track. But now, we begin again. If Michael Flint catches on this time, with your help, we’ll have many more Flint books to keep us all enthralled! So —
We’ll begin with Blood Trails, releasing on June 21, which has been revised and edited a bit from the original. Next up will be Trace Evidence, releasing on January 24, 2023, also revised and edited from the first editions. The third book in the new series will be revealed in good time…
Special eBook Preorder Price! Only $3.99!!
Michael Flint promises he can find anyone, anytime, anywhere – dead or alive. Now he’s forced to prove it.
More than $50 million in mineral royalties are up for grabs. The legal heir has disappeared. Two Texas oil barons, who will stop at nothing to win their bitter rivalry, desperately need to locate her before it’s too late. In a hunt stretching from dusty, hot West Texas to snowy Saskatchewan, Flint finds himself caught in the crossfire between dueling tycoons and greedy mercenaries out for their own piece of the pie. On Flint’s side? A knack for keeping himself alive, a hard-won moral code, and buried questions about his own family that drive everything he does. With blood-pumping action and adventure, twists and turns pile up until the final nail biting conclusion as Michael Flint searches for a woman whose very life depends on never being found.
Releases June 21!
Special eBook Preorder Price! Only $3.99!!
Preorder your copy of the New Blood Trails Today!
Currently, we have a few preorder links available for the ebook and paperback.
We will be adding more as they become available.
Click on the links below to preorder Blood Trails:
Preorder the eBook: Apple Books
Preorder the eBook: Amazon
Preorder the Paperback: Amazon
Preorder the eBook: Nook
Preorder the eBook: Kobo
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