Tag Archives | true crime


Revealing Fingerprints

109 years ago today, for the first time ever, fingerprint evidence was used in a high-profile murder case. A pair of shopkeepers in London — Thomas and Ann Farrow — were found beaten to death. Scotland Yard detected the motive to be robbery. By examining the Farrows’ cash box, they were able to pick out […]

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Loyal Friend Lethal Enemy

Loyal Friend, Lethal Enemy

Most days, I blog here about trust, betrayal, murder, mayhem, friendships gone wrong and killer enemies. Sometimes, we discuss true crime. More often, we discuss fiction. Lately, though, we’ve been talking about loyal friends. Friendship lessons from The Beatles. The new adventures of The Twelve (more coming on that soon!). Writing partnerships that require readers […]

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Saturday Special: Key West

Can you believe the first half of January has already passed us by? The buzz of the holidays has officially settled down, we’re getting back into the groove of going to work, and now there’s room for new adventures to start creeping into our lives. For me, that means a trip to Key West! I’m […]

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