Tag Archives | Jack in the Green

Edward Graziano

Pizza Murder Bribe

Some crazy stuff happens in Florida. In my books that are set in Florida, the crazy stuff that happens is fiction. But the craziest stories that come out of the Sunshine State are the ones that no fiction writer would ever make up. Because they’re just too bizarre. Take this one, for example, as a […]

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Jack in the Green

Saturday Special: Procrastination Is Genetic?

Did you see the study about procrastination that came out this week? The study was published in Psychological Science. It found that procrastination is a trait that can be inherited. That makes me feel a lot better! Of course, I know DNA is destiny. That’s why I have my mother’s eyes and my my dad’s hair. […]

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Jack in the Green

New Release Cover Reveal!

Today is a terrific day for me. I found out last night that YOU, the Best Readers In The World, put Deadly Dozen on the USA Today Bestseller List for the sixth straight week! Take a bow! You’re amazing! But that’s not all! I’m finally able to share a special cover with you. If you’re […]

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